Improving business performance through the
effectiveness and development of people

A development centre is a series of simulation exercises and other assessment/development tools that help an organisation to:

  • Identify potential of staff for succession planning
  • Understand people’s skills and development areas

The Assessment Partnership have extensive experience in designing, facilitating and resourcing development centres for all levels of roles.Key aspects of the centres we design are to:

  • Understand the current and potential skills of participants
  • Increase levels of self awareness in participants
  • Provide valuable information for development and succession planning to HR and Line Managers
  • Provide written and verbal development feedback on performance at the centre

Depending upon your budget we can either design bespoke exercises to reflect your organisation’s aims and core values, use exercises from the Assessment Partnership Exercise Bank or source 3rd party designed exercises that meet your needs.Exercises are often linked in theme and content to provide a more realistic “business scenario” for participants.

We can provide assessors or train your managers to assess participants in the exercises.

Post development centre follow-up is key to ensure that insights gained during the centre are followed through into the workplace.We provide both written and verbal feedback to ensure that individuals understand their development needs.



Typical Interview Questions

Preparing to be interviewed

Interview practice & feedback

What are Assessment Centres?


Attracting, retaining and developing a productive workforce for:

  • Which
  • Thales
  • Mondelez
  • airwave
  • zenith
  • severn trent water
  • Bristish Sugar
  • Santander